Tuesday, 30 June 2009

[week 21] process reflection

Between the planning made in the learning plan and reality are some differences:




February 2008

zoeken opdracht en verzamelen theorie

discussing materializing the pavilion as assignment

March 2008

kritische analyse opdracht en theorie

Analyzing case

June 2008

P1: voorlopig leerplan

P1:learning plan

Oktober 2008

vaststellen methode+eis

Determination criteria

ontwerpen en afwegen variant

Designing options

1-7 november 2008

vaststellen te onderzoeken bouwdeel

Determination building part

10-14 november 2008

terugkoppeling onderzoek naar ontwerp

Applying research in design

17-21 november 2008

ontwerp aanpassen aan knelpunten

Design adjustments to problems

24-28 november 2008

praktische uitwerking klimaat, veiligheid, pve

Integrating functional criteria

1-5 december 2008

detailleren te onderzoeken bouwdeel

Detailing building part

8-12 december 2008

berekenen te onderzoeken bouwdeel

Calculating building part

15-19 december 2008

voorbereiden voor experimentele proef


5-9 januari 2009

P2: leerplan en voorlopig ontwerp/onderzoek

P2: shape options and conclusion

12-16 januari 2009

voorbereiden voor experimentele proef

Analyzing problem

19-23 januari 2009

bouwen experimentele proef

Three connection problems

26-30 januari 2009

uitvoeren experimentele proef

Overview design options

2-7 februari 2009

verwerken experimentele proef

Preparation mechanical testing

9-14 februari 2009

P3: plan voor generieke kennis en toepassing

Building rib variants

16-21 februari 2009

report plan for research


23-28 februari 2009

making priliminary mock ups for discussion

Functional unit, Processing test results

2-7 maart 2009

presentatie P4: definitief ontwerp/onderzoek

Options with ribs

9-14 maart 2009

verwerken commentaar P4

Design of entire building

16-21 maart 2009

afmaken prototype/maquette

LCA comparison

23-28 maart 2009

voorbereiden presentatie

P3: plan for options

30 maart - 3 april '09

presentatie P5: conclusies, project en proces


6-11 april 2009

Generative tool

13-19 april 2009


20-25 april 2009

material selection

27 april-1 May 2009

System design

4-9 May 2009

Report, Multi criteria

11-15 May 2009

Reflection and conclusions

18-22 May 2009

making priliminary mock ups

25-30 May 2009

presentatie P4: final research

1-6 June 2009

Strength and durability of Kenaf

8-12 June 2009

detail design

15-18 June 2009

Report, Multi criteria

22 -27 June 2009

Reflection and conclusions

29 June 2009

P5: making mock up

As can be seen in the table above, some steps have started later or took longer than foreseen. This is mainly because the design process is not linear but a cycle. There have been made several options that have been tested and processed.

The colors indicate the same kind of task. Most colors occur in both planning and reality. The bright red fields indicate decision moments that have not been planned.

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